Thursday, June 15, 2017


As of right now, we are less than 6 weeks from meeting Nehem. At this point, especially since I'm not sleeping well, it's really easy for me to get caught up thinking about the "what ifs?" It's easy for me to think about the surgeries that Nehem may or may not have to go through, the NICU time, c-section recovery, being away from home for weeks, I could go on and on about all the thoughts my brain thinks. The unknown of the entire situation is hard. Really hard.

Today, however, I was driving home from Nashville in the pouring down rain, after a perfect appointment at Vanderbilt and I started thinking about how many blessings have come from and throughout this situation. Despite all that we have going on, Shane and I have SO MUCH to be thankful for. We have tried hard to focus on those things, so I thought I'd try my best to share with ya'll some of the things we have to be thankful for, even in a less-than-ideal situation.

  • I am thankful that Nehem's Spina Bifida was caught early. I have read stories of SB being discovered at birth and I can't imagine how shocking and terrifying that would be.
  • I am thankful for our family. Even when I was really struggling, their excitement for this little guy never changed. They don't love him less and they don't treat us differently. They already love him as they would any "typical" baby.
  • I know this goes without saying, but y'all, my husband is amazing and I couldn't be more thankful for him. He's already an amazing dad and caters to my every need(and most of my wants). He is strong when my pregnancy hormones get the best of me and I feel like I can't handle any of what's going on. He puts together furniture for me. He sits in cold ultrasound rooms while they poke and prod me. He carries everything for me. He picks up my housework slack when I'm too exhausted to finish that laundry. HE PUTS UP WITH MY PREGNANCY BRAIN. You're the real MVP, Shane!
  • If I've said it once, I have said it a million times, I am so thankful for Vanderbilt. I cannot say enough good things about the entire Vanderbilt health system.
  • I'm thankful for how far medical technology has come. Without this technology, we wouldn't have the information we do on SB and they wouldn't be able to keep a close eye on Nehem and me like they do. Seeing my sweet boys face twice a week isn't so bad either. :)
  • I'm thankful that we have amazing doctors who have an attack plan. They are ready to attack the SB and do whatever they can to help Nehem. They also answer my questions and make sure that we understand the attack plan.
  • I am thankful for not one, but two reliable cars that can get us back and forth from Nashville safely. Of course I pray for safe travels, but I never have to worry that my car isn't going to make the trip.
  • I am thankful for our church family. Between them and our blood family, we have never felt like we carried this "burden" alone. They have constantly been there lifting us up in prayer, encouraging us, anonymously slipping us money when they didn't even realize we needed it. It's amazing that they love so much us and already love Nehem! 
  • Say what you want about Obamacare, but I am SO THANKFUL for Health Insurance. I know things will probably change when he's here and surgeries and hospital stays become a reality, but we have paid virtually nothing other than copays for all of our appointments, ultrasounds, tests, etc. 
  • I am so thankful for a God who is ever present. I can cry out to Him in the middle of the night or thank him for good reports while I'm sitting in the parking garage. Comments have been made to Shane and myself about how well we have handled this situation. I'd love to take credit for that and just say we're a super strong power couple. But that'd just be a big fat lie. Our strength comes from our God and without our faith in Him, I'm not sure where we would be.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah, as a special needs mom let me go ahead and tell you that you and Shane ARE a "super strong power couple". You are just that because of your faith and because of the CHOICE you both have made to glorify God and love this matter what. You will break and crumble on occasion but God will pick you up bless you (and teach you) in ways you never knew possible. I am SO GLAD we've connected on FB so I can keep up with you while school is out. Praying for your sweet, sweet amazing little bundle of joy - can't wait to meet him! - Dana ❤️
