Monday, June 5, 2017

32 week update!

I mean, I know I might be a little bias...but have you ever seen a face so sweet? And those cheeks! 😍

We had an appointment at Vanderbilt today to check on our sweet little guy. Prognosis of Nehem is still the same, as anticipated. I start this week seeing the Vanderbilt doctors two times each week and they are looking at very specific things: "practice" breathing, tone, movement, and amount of amniotic fluid. They rate me on an 8 point scale for each item and we are an 8/8 for each one as of now, Praise the Lord! They will closely monitor each "item" on the list and if one looks off, I will be immoderately sent for extra monitoring and a possible early delivery. 

How can you pray?

1. Pray for us as we will be traveling back and forth between Nashville and Madison until I permanently move up to Nashville in July.

2. Pray that I continue to rate 8/8 on their scale so that Nehem can keep cooking. The longer he cooks, the more he develops, the more he develops, the less risk of extra complications (not Spina Bifida related). I want him to be as developed as possible before we meet him!

We are so appreciative of every encouraging word and every prayer. We can feel them. We continue to pray that no matter what, God will receive the glory in Nehem's life because at the end of the day, that's the most important thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah & Shane, Nehem is beautiful. I'll be praying for those 8's. Love you! Thank you for blessing us with this picture & update.
